domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018


I am going to make the relationship between the values fairness and Justice with the story a modest proposal first of all the meanings quality of this two words, fairness is the  of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable, and justice is is the quality of being just or fair. 
In the story I can tell that none of this two values are practiced, first of all everything is based that in that time in ireland there was a problem of overpopulation and hunger because of the great amount of people, so they do not know what to do with that problem, so the author came with a modest proposal in which he tell that for benefit of the rich and the poors the rich people could buy the poor people’s children for them to eat them and with that they could end both problems, the overpopulation and hunger and the rich could have to eat and poor would have money to buy what they need, seeing this for the country it would be something perfect because it would solve all their problems but if you analize the things with justice and fairness there is lack of this two values because that is not fair that poor have to give their children the ones they love to the rich because they are less and is not just that the poors can not said a word to this because their words does not have value. 250 I think that they could think a better form to solve this because is not just to take a life to save another, this kids can have a better future and they could be someone but they are taking their life without mattering their lives and only thinking in them.

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2018

The diary of samuel pepys.
I am going to do the relationship of the values truthworthness and thankful with this story. First of all the meaning of this two words. What is truthworthness? Truthworthness is the deserving of trust and confidence, being dependable or reliable.
Now, what is being thankful? Thankful is feeling gratitude for something or someone, is having or being apreciated.
Now that we know the definition I can begin, in this story you could notice that this values are in little parts of it beggining with the coronation of the king Charles I, pepys trust in the king because he know him and know he would manage well everything, the people was thankful and they were so happy for having the king. Then it cames a fire that destroys almost everything and first of all there was pepys seeing all this happening and he does not do anything to help them, he was with lack of trust and thankfulness, but then the people of the town see this situation and they decide to go to help them because they were in a terrible situation, and the people were very thankful and they give all their trust in them that they were going to help them with the disaster that the fire cause.
Talking about Samuel pepys we could se he was a man that no one can trust because he was a man that was cheating on his wife, I think there was a big irony with this situation because he tell that he love his wife but at the same time he cheat on her so he has lack of trust and lack of thankfulness with her because if he really love her he would never cheat on her, I think that he was thankful with her but with the things she did not with her completely, because she cook for him and she was always there for him but for nothing more.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018


Virtues are habits of mind, heart, and behavior. They develop through deliberate practice.
The ancient Greeks considered wisdom to be the master virtue, the one that directs all the others. Wisdom is good judgment. It enables us to make reasoned decisions that are both good for us and good for others. Wisdom tells us how to put the other virtues into practice—when to act, how to act, and how to balance different virtues when they conflict (as they do, for example, when telling the honest truth might hurt someone’s feelings).
The second virtue named is justice. Justice means respecting the rights of all persons. Since we are persons ourselves, justice also includes self-respect, a proper regard for our own rights and dignity. Schools, in their character education efforts, often center on justice because it includes so many of the interpersonal virtues. A concern for justice and the capacity for moral indignation in the face of injustice inspires us to work as citizens to build a more just society and world.
A third, much-neglected virtue is fortitude. Fortitude enables us to do what is right in the face of difficulty. The right decision in life is often the hard one. One high school captures that truth in its motto: “Do the hard right instead of the easy wrong.” A familiar maxim says, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Teen suicide has risen sharply in the past three decades; one reason may be that many young people are unprepared to deal with life’s inevitable disappointments. We need to teach our children that we develop our character more through our sufferings than our successes, that setbacks can make us stronger if we don’t give in to feeling sorry for ourselves.
The fourth virtue named is self-control (temperance). Self- control is the ability to govern ourselves. It enables us to control our temper, regulate our sensual appetites and passions, and pursue even legitimate pleasures in moderation. It’s the power to resist temptation. It enables us to wait and to delay gratification in the service of higher and distant goals. Love is the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of another. A whole cluster of important human virtues—empathy, compassion, kindness, generosity, service, loyalty, patriotism (love of what is noble in one’s country), and forgiveness make up the virtue of love. Love is a demanding virtue. If we really took seriously the familiar injunction to “love your neighbor as yourself,” would we not make every effort to avoid gossiping about others and calling attention to their faults, given how sensitive we are to such things said about us?
A positive attitude is a sixth essential virtue. If you have a negative attitude in life, you’re a burden to yourself and others. If you have a positive attitude, you’re an asset to yourself and others. The character strengths of hope, enthusiasm, flexibility, and a sense of humor are all part of a positive attitude.
Old-fashioned hard work is a seventh indispensable virtue. There is no substitute in life for work. “I challenge you,” says the great basketball coach John Wooden, “to show me one single solitary individual who achieved his or her own personal greatness without lots of hard work.” Hard work includes initiative, diligence, goal-setting, and resourcefulness.
An eighth essential virtue is integrity. Integrity is adhering to moral principle, being faithful to moral conscience, keeping our word, and standing up for what we believe. To have integrity is to be “whole,” so that what we say and do in different situations is consistent rather than contradictory. Integrity is different from honesty, which tells the truth to others. Integrity is telling the truth to oneself.
Gratitude is a ninth essential virtue. “Gratitude, like love, is not a feeling but an act of the will,” observes writer Anne Husted Burleigh. “We choose to be thankful, just as we choose to love.” Gratitude has been described as the secret of a happy life. It reminds us that we all drink from wells we did not dig. It moves us to count our everyday blessings.
Humility, the final essential virtue, can be considered the foundation of the whole moral life. Humility is necessary for the acquisition of the other virtues because it makes us aware of our imperfections and leads us to try to become a better person.

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2018

The girl of the shadows.

The leyend tells that once upon a time there was a Little girl that was bullyied by al her classmates because she was Little and use glasses , she was so shy that she do not have the courage to tell something back. So the years pass and now she was adolescent and the situation was still the same, and because all this years she learn that if she hide in the shadows where any of her classmates could see her, they would not bother her and she would get peace, so that was great for a time but then in the school she studied, they put a chips machine in the place she always hide and now people were going there all the time to buy chips, so she get scared and one day she run before someone attack her and she fell because she stumbled with someone or something and when she pick up her glasses she notice it was a hot guy the one that she stumbled so she timidly and fast wake up from the floor and the guy try to help her but she was so sorry with him that she try to run but he stop her and present himself and she did the same but then she left.
The days passes and he always look for her and ask her how she was but she always was shy and timid until one day this guy invited her to a date and she after a long time thinking she decide that she deserve the opportunity to be happy so she accepted but at the time she was so scared.
The day of the date came and he look for her and she make her best for looking good and he tell her she was beautiful what makes her be very happy because never anyone had tell that to her, so they went to a restaurant and she sees that there were some of her classmates and get nervous and she tell him if they could go to another place but he insist her to stay so she accept but she was insecure, so he tell her to see the menu and ask for what she wants and meanwhile he stand up and like if it was an accident he throws her a glass of water oh her head and he began to apologize and all her classmates there began to laught and she was feeling terrible about that she tried to stand up but the guy tell her to stay that he was going to help her and went to the bathroom and came back and with a towel he makes like he was going to clean her up but instead the towel have white paint and she get worse and in that momento he began to laught with the rest of the classmates and she notice that everything was planned and she stand up and began to runo ut of that place and without looking anywhere she stand in a dark place those that she used to hide but this time was like a tunnel and she fell on the floor to cry and then she hear a sound and when she look up it was a train coming just where she was thrown and when she realized it was late and the train kill her.
Now a days people on that town said that in that place where she died they hear a lady crying and shouting that it was not fair and if someone walk there alone they dissapear.

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2018


Its official name is: Republic of Colombia; its form of government is: Republic; its capital is: Bogotá; its population is: 46,245,297; the official language is: Spanish; the money is by: Peso; its area is of: 439,619 square miles (1,138,910 square kilometers); the mayor mountain ranges are: Andes, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; the mayor rivers are: Magdalena, Cauca, Atrato, Sinú.
Colombia is nicknamed the "gateway to South America" because it sits in the northwestern part of the continent where South America connects with Central and North America. It is the fifth largest country in Latin America and home to the world's second largest population of Spanish-speaking people.
Colombia is a land of extremes. Through its center run the towering, snow-covered volcanoes and mountains of the Andes. Tropical beaches line the north and west. And there are deserts in the north and vast grasslands, called Los Llanos, in the east.
Dense forests fill Colombia's Amazon Basin, which takes up nearly the country's entire southern half. In northwest Colombia, a warm, wet, jungle-filled area called the Chocó reaches across the Panama border.
Colombia's people are as varied as its landscape. Most citizens are descended from three ethnic groups: Indians, African people brought to Colombia to work as slaves, and European settlers. This rich cultural mix makes the country's foods, music, dance, and art diverse and unique.


Barranquilla is located in the Atlántico Department in northern Colombia and lies on the delta of the Magdalena River, 7.5 km from the mouth of the Caribbean Sea. This city is the cradle of important Colombian culture and folk tradition.
The flag consists of three horizontal rectangles, red being the outermost, then yellow, and green in the center. Red symbolizes the blood of patriots; yellow, the sun of freedom and hope; and green, a proud home. In the center, there is an eight-pointed silver star which symbolizes the eight provinces of the confederacy.
Barranquilla has a tropical savanna climate (Aw) according to Köppen climate classification. It is hot all year round, with high levels of relative humidity. The average temperature is 28.4 °C (85 °F).  The daytime temperature usually remains around 32 °C (90 °F). Nevertheless, from late November to early April, trade winds more or less cool it to a more comfortable temperature during the daytime. During the evening and throughout the night, temps can change due to the strong winds.  The rainy seasons are from April to June and from August to November.
Barranquilla has its most touristic place that are:
Castillo de Salgar The San Antonio de Salgar Castle is one of the few landmarks that retains a colonial genuine architecture, opened as a center of recreation, culture and entertainment for the colombian Caribbean. It was declared a "Cultural Heritage and good of the Nation" on July 13, 1988 by the national government through the Ministry of Culture of Colombia.
Bocas de Ceniza Bocas de Ceniza (Ashy Mouth) is the point at the mouth of the Magdalena River and the Caribbean Sea. There, the ocean turns to a grayish color because of the brackish water. Today, the river flows into the sea through an artificial canal built in the 30s.
Santa Verónica's Tourist stop The world's largest sombrero vueltiao ("vueltiao hat") is located on Via al Mar (Sea road) heading towards Cartagena. Saint Veronica's Tourist Stop is the perfect place to stop along the way and enjoy various craft, culinary and cultural representations of the Caribbean.


I live in Tabor neighnorhood near Miramar neighborhood and nogales neighborhood. In my neighborhood there are many buildings and also houses, there is a lot of wind and it is always a fresh weather and that makes living there very good; also my neighborhood is on the top of Barranquilla and from my apartment I could see a great view. My neighbors are fine and everything and I thing is a good place to live.

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018

My name is Valentina Lewis Rivera and I have 17 years old, I was borned the 7th of December of the year 2000 here in Barranquilla, Colombia. I have lived here all my life, I have my mother that is named Claudia Rivera Fuentes and is 43 years old, my dad Franklin Lewis Delgado that has 46 years old and my sister that is named Natalie Lewis Rivera that has 12 years old I live with them and I have 2 dogs one named Lucky and the other named Tom. I like a lot of things like painting, music, food, sports, and all those things.I dislike the pink color, hypocrite people, false people, when someone do false expectations from what they look and that people mistreat the world. I study at Lyndon B. Johnson School since I was 3 years old and now I am in 12 grade. I am thinking of studiying mecatronic engineering and I would like ti study it on Bogotá here in Colombia, and then make an specialization in robotics. I like in my Free time to see movies, go to the park, go to the Pool, hangout with my boyfriend and my friends. My favorite color is black and I love misterious and horror movies and books and love to learn new things everytime.

sábado, 28 de abril de 2018


To explain this first we need to know what is rejection, so rejection is the act of making apart or bad looking someone for any cause that could be their race, color, religion, sex, culture, or the economic situation.
This essay pretends to look into the socio economical aspect of being a woman in the working field, giving an analysis in as to why more often than not women are rejected or relegated to certain jobs.

The employment crisis that came ever since the industrial revolution, where for the first time, regulations to the workers where created and taken into consideration has left enterprises with the hard choices of contraction, attending to regulations and dealing with the ever perishing work conditions, since all of this as a whole more often than not creates a huge ecomonical disadvantage, with the only solution in the horizon for this situation appearing to be to contract the less regulated workers.

Women and men are not alike, each too hold different roles in society and each adds a different set of characteristics, the woman's role in society is usually presented as familiar and motherly, which is a role males most of the times dont tend or are not willing to fill due to numerous reasons.

Due to the fact that women are prone to situacions that men are not, such as pregnancy, it makes sense why most companies, specially the industrial ones are not keen on adding females to the worklines, since pregnancy can be a synonym to one less worker in the field.

In addition to that, there are regulations towards women in pregnancy, one being the pregnant woman has the right to anulate her duties at work while she has her child, and this time shall be paid by the company as if regular work was done, and the women shall not be fired in under any circumstances, all companies may not like a worker who can skip duties and still has to be paid.

The sex division in most workplaces deems the fenelaes as secondary workforce, since it js believed that the "women power" is in a way inferior and less sophisticated, hence why there is a common believe that women are more suited for certanin jobs and men for others.

The prime example of this is in laws and politics, where it is believed that a female lawyer or a female politic is not intimidating enough, or not good enough, and a male in that same role would me more efective, this is an external factor that plays a great role in todays society, it's not what its being said, its who is saying it, and wheter that suits the role presented or not.

As mentioned before, highly industrial companies that rely on workpower usually dont add women to its lines, since the women is usually represented as weak or naive, not strong enough or not smart enough for said task, reason why carrying big weight or operating pseudo complex machinery is viewed as a men only task.

The last example it could be like when a woman want to study something as ingeniering or some carreers that are alike for men, and when a woman want to study it the same parents tell her that that carreer is not for her, that only men could do those hard things and that everyone would laught at her and that woman feel rejected for being her.

As a conclusion, the role of women in society is purely stereotypical and this has taken a toll in almost all areas of employment, the perspective of women is yet to be changed, by the same women who from the dark, pull the strings and keep our society still ticking.

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

Political, social, and economic situation in 3 countries

This essay intends to compare, contrast and explain the socio economical and political situation of the following countries, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. In an attempt to give a glimpse of the future based con the sociological context of each and compared as a whole, this as a way of contrasting each country to each political and economical aspect in relation to the social and cultural aspect that works as an external factor in the three areas that are to be inspected and explained.

In order to continue this essay its considered relevant to define the term "social" as the term that vaguely collects the ways of acting, feeling and thinking that are external to the individuals within a certain group but are imposed to him by society.
From the policital perspective, both Colombia and Venezuela's future are uncertain since as of right now election time is near, this involving many factors and conditions of change for both countries, given that theres no reliable way to determine a bare minimum of accuracy for the period covered within one year.
Now with this in mind, Colombia is undergoing through a peace process that divided the country, those who support a treaty between the government and the military groups, and those who not only despise the idea but also want to continue the revengeful stryfe that has been shedding blood in the land of our country for more than 50 years, both conflicts(the war and the two political factions towards it) have taken a toll in each campaign of the political personalities involved in the presidential elections that are soon to come, with some candidates tackling against it head on and others supporting it, and one specific situation is the overall situation in Venezuela, now used as a method of inflicting fear in the population in order to gain more votes by proposing a worse case scenario to come if the people vote by other candidates.
Connecting this with the last paragrath, Venezuela, seen from the perspective of colombia as "thats what we are heading to" is also undergoing through elections soon, and its not a secret that the corruption and greed of the dirigent class has taken over almost every single political process that is to be done, with the power of a totalitarian dystopia overruled by fascism, that has gotten the country banned from almost any international convention and groups such as The OIT and Mercosur, which has rendered helpless the work regulations among other aspects; In the political rally there are only three candidates and none of the three are supported by the overall population.
On the other hand, As for Peru, in early 2018 became a certified authorized economic operator, making easier the process of exports and imports, which now will need less regulation when handled, apealing to the international market and improoving external relationships and inner economics; The distribution of the goods has also been stated by the tegent government with the budget for the public and the private being well accepted by the people since it benefits education and innovation.
Talking economics, Colombia and Peru are now being flooded by inmigrant workers both legal and ilegal, since there situation in venezuela is causing people to leave the country to seek for better and more sustainable ways to subsist, these workers entering both countries are being regulated by each countries'  department of work in conjuction with the department that regulates migration with the regulation provided by each country's constitution, the OIT regulations and The Mercosur agreements.
In this order of ideas each country is undergoing through changes, not yet defined if for the best and for the worse, with clouded politics and an economical situation that ties them all together and even when regulated it still generates issues externally and internally, which if not managed properly will create an economical crisis that will be the downfall of international opportunities as third world countries on the rise.

viernes, 30 de marzo de 2018


How defines the violence against the woman? It is an action that exerts certain men on the women who cannot be defended, can be an action of violent physics, sexual verbal or.
Now that already we know how it is defined that it is the violence against the woman. It is necessary to stand out as it is the relation that has this with the violence against the young innocents, to begin is necessary to ask to us
 How defines the violence against the children? It is any verbal physical action or sexual against a boy who cannot be defended, the infantile violence is generally of an adult against a boy but despite, it does not mean that a adolecente cannot do it.
Or with both defined terms we can emphasize that the relation that it has is “woman or young who cannot BE DEFENDED” reason why a being with greater strength imposes with its force when it could not with the talent when the rage I win to him, which means that the people who comment these reprochables acts they are victims of a car considers low. What it takes to think to me is logical, because if is able to attempt against that it is not possible to be defended are able to attempt against of themselves, this is something that worries much because everything comes from the raising.
Some points that we can emphasize
 1. Honestly something that I can stand out is that if a woman is struck by a man it is or is not effeminate that man lets much think like for example, if the man I strike to its pair because its pair did not do what it wanted leaves thinking me about… That that man could not win in arguments against that woman who sees itself very followed
 2. When making actions against the integrity of a boy there is one of two possibilities if this young taking everything what it happens to him in its benefit, any single traumatic event will return stronger it in himself, but that boy is a weak boy who only feeds the pain will become like those who did that damage to him whatever it was.
 1. As it says the phrase “To a woman does not stick nor with the petal of a rose” this class to him of actions single serve to feed the machismo, of a form that propagates like plague since in them mass media are becoming something frequents listening as a family destroys because a man I strike its wife, which only leaves thinking us  If one is going away to regret later so that it does? Because it sees day it day and it feeds
 2. When you are a boy you are influenciable what us it leaves interviewed who the childhood is necessary to take care of it for being the most important moment of a person who in this can be left a imborrable mark or of happiness or sadness.
In order to close the saying yet, the family is made up of father, mother and son (s) what means that they do not work if they do not speak of which they feel of which it happens to them in the street of which they do, of which they like. Because that tends to avoid tragedies help you to know that you have in house and with who joins this person with which these are guache or violating as well as a kicker of children, then learns to recognize if something is not or and talk about and if cannot be solved tell someone but take care of your integrity and the one of that boy that accompanies to you because your you are the responsible person he is man or woman. And my message is a healthy family is a happy family does not matter that some members are not what was not solved before a boy (a) was born is not solved now so put the trousers to take a step to the final.

martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

Elections in Colombia 2018

This year on Sunday, March 11 of the year 2018, were the elections for the senate, the House of Representatives and the presidential in the Country of Colombia, this elections are made every four years in every country in the world, many people were in disagree with some things that happend during the elections and many of them did not want to vote for any of the candidates.
There were many factor that people were in such scandal and disagree, it also during the elections it came a moment in wich there were only cards for one of the candidate and because of that many people almost every people were mad. I think there was a lot of disorganization on this years election organizers.
Some pros for this process that I could see is that people could notice and understand how some candidates could make things for their interest and to win the elections and they could see who were the correct person to vote for also there were big changes from the old governors, there were no violence, It served as a survey so that candidates can know what is the support they have in the country, also serve to predict what will be the result of the real presidential elections and also allow us to choose a candidate from the left and the right and make the elections shorter, leaving aside the other candidates who did not participate in any coalition.
Some cons that I could see in this process is how I tell before, the desorganization, the dishonest from the problem with the presidential consultation and the manipulation and corruption of votes with a member of the conservative part, another thing is that the ever-present polarization between the left and right in the country is enhanced, because each and every one of the candidates only talks about why their side is the right one in politics and they do not justify how to end the Polarization that is still latent in the country which leads me to think that everyone is taking advantage of this and also the elections brought a sharp division of the country to defend any of the candidates already chosen on each side affirming that it does not matter which one the country chooses, and all affirm that "the economy and the development are finished because that president is going to take us to the ruin".
I think that a conclusion for this could be that they have to be honest candidates in the elections, more organization for the next elections also people need to be more informed of the candidates and I wish that the next elections could be better than this, that the camdidates could be correct people and also the organizers of the event do not give advantage to other candidates like sometimes happend I expect a better election for the next four years that are coming and that each election could became better and better.